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Student Presentation Awards

The student presentation awards were given to the following presentations.

Poster Presentation Award
Mr. Tsukuru Taoka (Shinshu University, Japan):
"The controlling factors of diffusive and ebullitive methane emission on sub-daily time scale at a mid-latitude shallow lake"
Mr. Tingwei Chang (Kyoto University, Japan): "Isoprene emission from bamboo species"
Mr. Robert Shortt (University of California Berkeley, USA): "Lidar-derived canopy structure of restored temperate wetlands"

Oral Presentation Award
Mr. Jiangong Liu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China):
"Temporal variation of methane fluxes and its biophysical drivers in a subtropical mangrove wetland"


The Conference Proceedings uploaded (10 September)Download here -> AsiaFlux2019 Proceedings
Detail Program (tentative) uploated (8 August) Download here -> AsiaFlux2019 Program file

Session description

20th Anniversary Special Session (Only invited speakers)
A special session named “Past, current and future of AsiaFlux” will be organized to discuss the past, current and future of AsiaFlux.
To look back to the past, seven speakers will review the history of AsiaFlux on the study areas of 1-1) flux measurement and multi-site synthesis (CO2/CH4 flux), 1-2) flux measurement and multi-site synthesis (H2O flux), 2) soil ecosystem and biochemistry, 3) ecosystem modelling, 4) remote sensing, 5) trace gases, and 6) ecosystem processes. For the future development of AsiaFux, we should collaborate with other communities in natural, social and cultural sciences. Therefore, some speakers will be invited from other communities.

Ordinary oral sessions
The following six ordinary sessions will be held. Poster sessions
Poster sessions will be held.
We will prepare the poster boards for A0 size (W × H = 84cm × 119cm), vertical format.
We will give poster award to students who present outstanding posters.

Abstract submission guideline

The online abstract submission form opened and it will close on 10 July. closed
Please prepare your abstract in accordance with the following sample abstract file.

Sample abstract

Since there is a limit in the acceptable number of "Oral" presentation, we offer only two options, "Oral or Poster" and "Poster".
Please select "Oral or Poster" if you would like to apply for oral presentation.
We will notify you adoption result at a later date.